Learning How to
Practice Without Pressure
Practice Without Pressure (PWP) is both a philosophy of care and a process using that philosophy of care. PWP is meant for anyone who experiences stress or anxiety during medical, dental, or personal care procedures, but especially for people with intellectual or cognitive disabilities. It also incorporates their families and caregivers, and the professionals and clinicians who serve them.
Online learning classes will go live in the first quarter of 2024. Join our mailing list to receive updated information on what classes are available and how you, too, can learn to provide a better life experience for your family members or friends living with a developmental or intellectual disability.
The quality or state of not thinking you are better than other people
The ability to venture, persevere, and withstand danger, fear, or difficulty
Sense of Humor
The ability to find enjoyment and/or experience fun in life
An understanding that someone or something is important, serious, etc. and should be treated in an appropriate way
The quality of being honest and fair
An inclination to believe in the most favorable outcome
Having the necessary ability or skills to do something well or well enough to meet a standard
Sympathetic consciousness of others' distress together with a desire to alleviate it
The quality or state of being reliable and trustworthy
To cooperate and work together with others to accomplish something
The experiential knowledge and ability to judge what is proper or reasonable
Willing or disposed to yield